Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Health System

Name of Entity
Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Health System
Organization Type
Healthcare, Medical Providers & Medical Insurance Services

Richmond, VA
United States

"March 16, 2017 - Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Health System recently discovered a data breach potentially impacted over 2,700 patients, according to an announcement in the Richmond Times-Dispatch.On January 10, 2017, VCU Health System became aware of a data breach in which patient EHRs were vulnerable to unauthorized access over a three-year period between January 3, 2014 and January 10, 2017.Following an investigation, VCU Health System concluded employees of community physician groups, and an employee of a contracted vendor, had accessed patient records without proper justification. Officials maintain no information was used inappropriately.The employees involved in the incident have since been terminated.Employees may have viewed information including patient names, addresses, dates of birth, medical record numbers, health care providers, visit dates, health insurance information, and Social Security numbers.VCU Health System said it is providing concerned patients with one year of free credit monitoring to avoid further issues with identity theft and fraud."More Information:
Date of Breach