
Your privacy depends on your ability to control and secure your personal information. When organizations fail to adequately protect your data, you may face serious consequences like identity theft or financial harm.

bllue background with magnifying glass and a locked laptop icon with a black woman wearing gray glasses and a black and white striped shirt on top with white words on top of a navy blue background that says do you know where your information goes online?

Protecting Your Information, Protecting Your Rights

Every day, individuals lose control of their data through unauthorized account access, phishing scams, identity theft, and corporate data breaches—often without even realizing it's happening. These incidents threaten your privacy and your ability to control how your data is shared and used.

Our resources and ongoing work aim to help you understand your legal rights, recognize common security threats, and have the ability to take practical steps to protect yourself and hold organizations accountable when breaches occur.

What You Need to Know

More Resources