There are a number of different ways to make your voice heard if you believe that someone isn’t complying with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Share Your Story
Your stories help us determine our advocacy priorities and policy positions. We might also be able to connect you with a reporter or lawmaker who can help amplify your experience.
File a Complaint
While the Federal Trade Commission won’t advocate directly on your behalf, filing complaints with the agency helps their staff spot patterns and investigate issues.
If your complaint is regarding an employment background check, your state might also have a law that applies. In that event, you can file a complaint with your state Attorney General (find yours through the National Association of Attorneys General).
The Fair Credit Reporting Act allows you to sue for violations. Attorneys who specialize in employment law can be found through the National Employment Lawyers’ Association and those who specialize in consumer law can be found through the National Association of Consumer Advocates. State and county bar associations are also a good resource for legal referrals.