Thousands of Disney+ Accounts Hacked Within Hours of Launch

Thousands of Disney+ Accounts Hacked Within Hours of Launch

With a host of technical problems, Disney+ launched on November 12 in the United States, Canada and the Netherlands to more than 10 million customers within its first 24 hours. While many users reported issues streaming movies and shows, others began reporting their accounts hacked (logged out of their devices and locked out of their accounts). Within hours of the service’s launch, thousands of these hacked accounts became available for sale on hacking forums with prices ranging from $3 to $11.

In a statement to Variety Disney said, "We have found no evidence of a security breach… We continuously audit our security systems and when we find an attempted suspicious login we proactively lock the associated user account and direct the user to select a new password." They also said, “We have seen a very small percentage of users in this situation and encourage any users who are having these kind of issues to reach out to our customer support so we can help them.”