Can a landlord require a credit check when I apply for a rental?
Yes, most landlords will want to check your credit to help them decide whether to rent to you.
Read MoreYes, most landlords will want to check your credit to help them decide whether to rent to you.
Read MoreOn-time rent payments aren’t generally included in your credit report (your landlord has the option, but most don’t report them). However, if you don’t to pay your rent on time (or at all), your landlord might report it to a credit reporting agency and it would appear on your credit report.
Read MoreA data breach is a security violation in which sensitive, protected or confidential data is copied, transmitted, viewed, stolen or used by an unauthorized individual. It could be a result of
Read MoreSometimes. Currently, no federal law gives you the right to prevent data brokers from collecting, sharing or publishing your personal information.
Read MoreYou can contact data brokers like MyLife directly to request that your information be removed, but there is no guarantee that you will succeed.
Read MoreThe Social Security Administration will only issue a new Social Security number (SSN) in very specific or extreme situations, so it’s not likely that you’d be able to change yours.
Those rare situations in which they might change your SSN are if
Read MoreNo. A real contest won’t ask for your Social Security number (SSN) over the phone (you’ll have to give it in writing).
Read MoreA Social Security number can be used to steal your identity (commonly called identity theft) to commit fraud, open new credit and bank accounts, get medical care/other benefits and obtain employment.
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