Investigative Consumer Reporting Agencies Act (California)
The Investigative Consumer Reporting Agencies Act (ICRAA) is a California law that requires
Read MoreIs my criminal history public record in California?
In California, criminal histories (rap sheets) compiled by law enforcement agencies are not public record. Only certain employers such as public utilities, law enforcement, security guard firms and child care facilities have access to this information.
Read MoreIn California, can a landlord ask me about my source of income in a rental application?
Yes, but all verifiable sources of income must be considered the same. For example, disability income may not be treated differently from office job income.
Read MoreVictims Speak Out on Identity Theft: A Survey of Identity Theft Victims and Recommendations for Reform
A CALPIRG/Privacy Rights Clearinghouse Report
By Janine Benner, CALPIRG; Beth Givens, Privacy Rights Clearinghouse; and Ed Mierzwinski, USPIRG.
I. Executive Summary
Read MoreCriminal Identity Theft in California: Seeking Solutions to the Worst Case Scenario
Presentation by Beth Givens, Director
at Identity Theft Summit on March 1, 2005
Sacramento, CA, Convention Center
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California’s Consumer Privacy Act Blazes the Trail for Privacy Protections
California—providing its residents the right to privacy in its state constitution—has historically led the nation in consumer privacy.
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